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algún día me separaré de mis amigas (2023)


composition, vocals, production, mixing, mastering: me

cello (track 8 and 9): Sofía Vaisman

cover art: Luz Andrea Sierra (photography), Francisca Parra (costume design, styling), me (styling)

released via Genome 6.66Mbp



it took me forever to finish this one. the compositions themselves were done in a period of about 4-6 months, all the rest was production and mixing, which amounted to 3 years in the end. but that 4-6 months period was probably one of the worst time of my life, so i felt like i needed to do justice to the work that came out of that time.

i was reading a lot about trauma around that time, initially through instagram easy-to-access-and-consume infographic, then on youtube and podcasts and a couple of books. in the end i was just trying to make sense of the mess i was living in, and it seemed like it would be easier if could rationally catch what was going on, and being able to express it to the people around me. ofc it doesn't work like that, or at least not that easily/linearly. i actually make fun of that in a couple of songs, like una vida que no se sienta así, sol en acuario or un historial de apegos seguros y predecibles, using a lot of the common linguo in this kind of trauma-based content.


intimacy is hard, and i think i know that every time i'm getting close to someone (not necessarily romatincally). consciouslly or not, i start imagining how it will end, and start mourning beforehand. a kind of pre-nostalgia so it won't hurt so much when that happens (again, it doesn't work like that). that's why -i think- some  people describe the album as being nostalgic even though the composition was addressing very real, current events. 

depression aside, i actually loved the composition process. i had a lot of fun integrating many things that feel very close to me: references and quotes from some of my faves cute-girl-doing-cute-things-in-school animes like hibike! euphonium and k-on! (gotta start using more !!!!!), sound design from japanese artists i was very inspired by at that time, and string arrangements. btw love to sofia for recording dozens of takes on her cello from the UK so i could overdub them and pitch them on ableton to produce those string arrangements i wrote (inspired by those luscious orchestrations by shiro sagisu).

tbh it's was a hard one. i probably hated half the process of making this. but it helped overcome that period and honestly i will listen to it in a couple of years and think it's beautiful. i know it is even if i don't feel it yet. i also want to make more than sad music.

here's a cute quote from a mention of the album on Expectador, that was written for its inclussion for their best 100 national albums of 2023:

"'algún día me separaré de mis amigas' evokes a sense of nostalgia and loss. (...) Such delicate treatment makes the album a gem worth savoring during those sleepless nights"

the writer nailed it with the sleepless nights thing. have i mentioned i suffer from insomnia since i was 15 or so? well i actually started (and still do to this day) taking sleeping pills precisely during that composition period for this album.

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