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un historial de apegos seguros y predecibles (2023)

single / music video

direction, editing, post-production: Américo Retamal

photography direction: Francisca Saenz

makeup: Fabián Díaz

styling: anthï, Fabián Díaz

art direction: anthï, Américo Rematal

a cute little mv we made with my fellow multidisciplinary artist Américo (Juegos Artificiales) over one of the most important songs of algún día me separaré de mis amigas. it does feel like a manifesto of the whole album for me. it was the first song i consciously wrote for it while thinking "ok this is going to become a thing". so many of the concepts and lyrical ideas are then spreaded on some of the other songs. in short, i tried to bring different concepts to try to understad why relating with each other is difficult, some very material (like when i sing about the nervous system and why it makes us act like we do) and other more abstract (like when i mention the idea of anxiety feeling like a sense of belonging). and in the end, why these difficulties won't let us change nor change the outside-- thus why i sing about revolution at the start of the song.

anyway these ideas are quite bleak tbh, so we thought of making it contrast with a visual concept cuter and more naive, driving inspiration from anime and japanese fashion like jirai-kei, but also keeping it very isolated-- like me performing on my own on an apartment during the whole video with no external interaction other than with plushies. (that's actually just literally me)

speaking of anime, this is like one of the four songs i have with direct references to Kyoto Animation productions. the outro is literally me singing in spanish the ending of the song Utauyo!!miracle from the anime K-on. so here is some more ascii art, it's yui this time:

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